The Crimson Ghost, also known as The Fiend, is the main antagonist of the 1946 serial of the same name. He is also the villainous mascot of the American punk-rock band The Misfits, chosen by Glenn Danzig and Jerry Only, and is featured on their merchandise along with starring in their music videos and appearing on stage. In the serial, he is a maniacal and criminally insane mad scientist that yearns to be feared by his enemies. In the Misfits, he is depicted is a much more horror-based light, being overall more sadistic. On stage, he is shown terrorizing then singer, Michael Graves.
01 - Crimson Ghost costume.
02 - Misfits patch.
03 - Cover of “Evilive”, 1982.
04 - Crimson Ghost logo.
05 - Cover of “Misfits” compilation album, 1986